Before you can Invest Like A PRO you need to Calc Like A Pro!
Deals are not found they are made. To know when to make a deal you have to Think Like A Pro & Talk Like A Pro. So why not Turbo Start Like A PRO and get all of them on the Go!
We love fast thinkers and reward them with 20% off for each book. A no-brainer. Go!
On this TURBO DEAL you get:
+Think Like A Pro E-book
+Talk Like A Pro E-book
+Calc Like A Pro E-book
+Talk Like A Pro Fun Memory Cards
+Calc Like A Pro Cheat Sheets
Bonus: Free Calc Like A Pro Quick Scan Tool
Like A Pro Turbo Deal
You can instantly download your E-book in PDF and E-Pub version.
Please be informed that the free Quick Scan is the MS Excel Windows PC Version.
It is compatible with Excel for MAC and Google Sheets, but experiences minor issues. We are currently working on an Excel for MAC and a Google Sheets specific version.